domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Today is a broken song might sound a lil crazy, but I don't give a damn....Im just feeling......and I like it!!! Had a beautiful day...and above all, your beautiful image in my a song....a piece of it and wanna give it to you......

"I was happy in my harbour When you cut me loose,,,,,,, Floating on an ocean And confused !!!!!!Winds are whipping waves up Like sky scrapers ::::::::::::::::::::And the harder they hit me The less I seem to bruise__________________ And when I Find the controls I'll go where I like I'll know where I want to be But maybe for now I'll stay right here On a si...lent sea On a silent sea..........""""""

...........Wanna share my harbour with you...the one who has awaken me from pain and made me believe hat today is my reality...and the most beautiful day....Tx for making me feel I'm good without making a big fuss....Just love it and want it to last today...for the sake of today and just for today.......On my silent sea............

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